Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Waxing vs Shaving- Here Is How To Choose Which Method Is Right For You

Deciding what is the best hair removal method for you is never easy. Deciding whether or not to be a waxer or a shaver is kind of a big deal (maybe even a life-altering event). On the one hand, we love the idea of week’s worth of silky smooth skin, but on the other we realize the pain that must be endured for a stubble-free existence may not be worth it. Here are some tips on how to make the best decision for your hair removal future.
Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of waxing and shaving:
  • In order to stay smooth when shaving, it must be done daily.
  • With wax hair removal, you stay smoother for up to three weeks, but it takes a few waxes before all the hair will be removed at once, and there is a mandatory ¼ inch that must be grown out before each trip to the spa or salon.
  • Shaving can cause razor burn and ingrown hairs, especially in really sensitive areas.
  • The most common irritation from waxing, is red, inflamed pores, but it usually only lasts for a few hours, and only happens the first few times. (However, if you are attempting to wax yourself at home, or dealing with an inexperienced esthetician, there are plenty of things that can go wrong and cause pain, bruising and burns.)
Overall, it just depends on your lifestyle. If you don’t mind being a little fuzzy for one week out of the month, and have a high tolerance for short-lived pain, then waxing is definitely the route for you. It is low maintenance and will cut down on your shower time.
But, if you are the type that can’t stand the feeling of any body hair for even a day, then it is probably better to stick with the good old razor. To avoid any shaving mishaps, make sure you use really soothing shaving products and a sharp, good-quality blade.
Have a happy hairless summer season which ever you choose.